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Because energy efficiency is our largest energy resource

The passive house is the most cost-effective and most comfortable way to save energy

Buildings provide a feeling of security and make us feel at home. We spend 80 to 90 per cent of our lifetime inside these buildings. This is why they have a major effect on our wellbeing and state of health. At the same time, they are witnesses of great architecture and building culture. But today buildings also account for 40 per cent of total energy consumption and use 50 per cent of global resources.

In order to preserve social peace and secure prosperity in times of dramatic developments, such as shortage of energy and climate change, we need to drastically and permanently reduce the consumption of energy and resources in particular in the sector of buildings.

The passive house standard offers the best prerequisites for improving comfort and cosiness considerably and, at the same time, for reducing energy consumption by 80 to 90 per cent.

In light of our responsibility for future generations LANG consulting has committed itself to the consistent and sustainable implementation of the passive house standard. The passive house is the basis of a successful and cost-efficient implementation of further standards, such as the "nearly zero energy building" or the plus-energy house.

Sustainable building culture is a symbiosis of architecture and careful use of limited resources. It is the vision and goal of LANG consulting to pass on know-how in building culture on a broad basis and make end consumers and decision-makers in all areas enthusiastic about this sustainable approach. It is in cool, Mediterranean and hot climate zones of the globe alike that the qualities, saving effects and cost-efficiency of the passive house standard make themselves felt. This is why we believe it is our task and duty to spread this knowledge across all borders.


Günter Lang, Vienna, March 29th 2012

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