Object Consulting

Consulting services for implementation of passive house buildings in the conceptual design, planning and construction phases. Both for private parties and property developers of multi-storey residential buildings and estates, for building owners and planners of bank, office, commercial and factory buildings as well as public buildings. Passive house-related consulting and supervision for complete estate development in passive house standard and energy-self-sufficient city quarters.

Support for appropriate subsidies and/or research programmes for innovative projects. Collaboration and management of research projects as demonstration sites serving as major role models.




Building type:

PHDesigner Siegel EN





10 - Kostenbilanz 20 Jahre - Ohne Sonderförderung


School buildings


Factor 10 school refurbishment in Schwanenstadt / Austria
First retrofit to passive house standard of a public building in Austria
Research project - supervision and documentation of demonstration projects, cost-effectiveness analyses, public relations
Client: Stadtgemeinde Schwanenstadt
Developer: Neue Heimat OÖ Stadterneuerungsgesellschaft mbH
Architect: PAUAT Architekten
Mixed construction| NFL 6.214 m² | HWB before 165 / afterward 14 kWh/m²a

thumb 3 - Poly Schulsanierung Schwanenstadt - Maximilian Lang 

Feasibility study for the first Factor 10 refurbishment of a school in Austria               in Schwanenstadt / Austria

Research project - supervision and documentation of feasibility study
ARGE Obermayr – Plöderl – Schlossgangl – Lang     / Austria

Mixed construction | NFL 6.214 m² | HWB before 165 / afterward 14 kWh/m²a  

1 - vor Sanierung
PopUp dorms 1st part in Seestadt Aspern in Vienna / Austria
Team "GreenFlexStudios" winner of the competition
Mobile student housing in Passive House-Standard Plus
Developer: Wohnbauvereinigung für Privatangestellte WBV-GPA
Client: Österr. Austauschdienst Wohnraumverwaltung GmbH OeAD-WV
Client: home4students - Österreichische Studentenstiftung
Team "GreenFlexStudios":
F2 Architekten ZT GmbH, Obermayr Holzkonstruktionen GmbH, Grünraum planen und bauen GmbH, S&P climadesign GmbH and LANG consulting
Project development and coordination/consulting for cost-efficient Passive House Plus
Article in architekturjournal wettbewerbe
Studentenheim auf Zeit

PopUp dorms 2nd part in Vienna / Austria

After the very successful first building, a second building of the temporary student dorms was realized in the beginning of 2017. The second part of the PopUp dorms offers 47 students a residence.

PopUp GreenFlexStudios

Office- and Commercial buildings


Redevelopment of the Moran Plant, Burlington / Vermont / USA
From a coal power plant to a passive house creative economy location

Retrofit to Passive House standard for a local leadership in artisan crafts, green technology and community media. Thermal bridge analysis of existing structure, options of retrofit, cost benefit analysis of Passive House approaches

Project team: Redevelopment & The Charles Tipper Co., SBA architects and BETTER

New Moran

Office building Windkraft Simonsfeld in Ernstbrunn / Austria

Consulting in project development on passive house
Member of the jury at architecture competition
Client: Windkraft Simonsfeld
Architect: Reinberg ZT GmbH

Mixed construction| NFL 1.420 m² | HWB 15 kWh/m²a 

Windkraft Simonsfeld Arch Reinberg

Nursinghome Rudigier of Kreuzschwestern in Linz / Austria

Consutling of client in project development on passive house
Client: Barmh. Kreuzschwestern
Architect: Arch DI Christoph Karl ZT GmbH + Mag Arch Andreas Bremhorst

Massive construction | NFL 6.163 m² | HWB 15 kWh/m²a 

Altenheim Linz

Archetype Retrofit of Rehab Center Bad Schallerbach / Austria
Consulting of designers for the project development on EnerPHit standard and subsidy as first KLIEN archetype retrofit of a health institution
Client:  Versicherungsanstalt für Eisenbahnen und Bergbau
Architect: Architects Collective ZT-GmbH
Mixed construction | NFL 7.200 m² | HWB 25 kWh/m²a

REHA Zentrum Bad Schallerbach

Organ workshop
Kaltenbrunner incl. offices in Bad Wimsbach / Austria

Consulting in project development on passive house
Client: Orgelbau Kaltenbrunner
Architecture: DI Veronika Pointner-Waldl

Wood construction | NFL 611 m² | HWB 33 kWh/m²a (unter Einrechnung der 14m hohen Produktionshalle)

Orgelbau Fertige Ansicht Ost3 01 2005

Fair center Wels in Wels / Austria

Consultanting in project development on passive house in wood construction
Client: Messe Wels
Architect: PAUAT Architekten

Wood construction | NFL 16.800 m² | HWB 16 kWh/m²a

MZ Wels Eingangshalle Innen 12




Multi-family houses

Gründerzeithaus Mariahilfer Straße in Vienna / Austria
Retrofit on EnerPHit-Standard and addition of floors of a Wilheminian style mutlifamily house after a heavy gas explosion, which resulted in structural collaps of building parts. The retrofit was done in the frame of the EU research program EU-GUGLE.
Research project - Supervision and documentationPassive House Certificate

Architectur: Trimmel Wall Architekten ZTGmbH
Building physics: Schöberl & Pöll GmbH

Massive construction | NFL 2.287 m² | HWB afterwards 22 kWh/m²a
Gründerzeithaus Mariahilfer Straße, Vienna/Austria

Pensionistenheim Haus Penzing in Vienna / Austria

Retrofit of a retirement home on Passive House Standard in the frame of the EU research program EU-GUGLE.
Research project - Supervision and documentation

Owner: Kuratorium Wiener Pensionisten-Wohnhäuser

Architectur: Karl und Bremhorst Architekten ZT GmbH & Shoch2 ZT-GmbH
HVACR planing: KWI Engineers GmbH

Massive construction | NFL 12.132 m² | HWB afterwards 11 kWh/m²a

Pensionistenheim Penzing in Vienna

Multi-family house retrofit to Passive House Makartstrasse, Linz / Austria
Austrias first refurbishment on passive house standard of a MFD
Research project - supervision and documentation
Client: GIWOG - Gemeinnützige Industrie- Wohnungsaktiengesellschaft     

Architect: ARCH+MORE ZT GmbH  

Mixed construction| NFL 3.106 m² | HWB before 179 / afterwards 13 kWh/m²a

3 - IMG 0242 kl 

Retrofit of multi-family house in 1230 Vienna, Heudörfelgasse / Austria

Consutling of architect at project development on passive house

Architect: Arch. Kronreif & Partner ZT GmbH   

Mixed construction | NFL 980 m² | HWB before 165 / afterwards 15 kWh/m²a 

Heudörfelg Arch. Kronreif

Residential-high rise for new Roosevelt Island Campus / New York City/US
The tallest Passive House high-rise residential building in the world

Consutling of developer at project development on passive housePassive House Certificate

Owner:          Cornell University
Developer:     Hudson Companies Incorporated
Architecture:  Handel Architects

350 residences for students
26-story building | 270,000 square feet | 270 feet high

Consulting 2013 + 2014 | Building start June 2015 | Building finish 2017

Handel Architects residential tower for Cornell University’s new Roosevelt Island Campus

Geschoßwohnbau Riverdale Avenue, Yonkers, New York City / USA

Beratung für Projektentwicklung zur EnerPHit-Sanierung
Analyse zu Wirtschaftlichkeit und Machbarkeit verschiedener Sanierungsvarianten

Architektur:  Ryan Enschede Studio

450 Wohneinheiten | Bis 20 Stockwerke | 36.000 m² | Baujahr 1976

 Riverdale Avenue, Yonkers, New York

12-story apartment dwelling in Manhattan, New York City / USA

Consulting in project development on passive house
Architecture: Passive House XPERIMENTAL LLC 

2011-NYC - PHC

Multi-family house with 150 apartments in Hillsboro, Portland/Oregon/USA

Orchards at Orenco - First large Passive residental building in North America

Consulting in project development on passive house
Developer: REACH
Energy modeling: Green Hammer

1st part with 57 apartments finished in June 2015


Refurbishment of 114 apartment complex Inzersdorferstraße, Vienna/ Austria

Consulting in project development on EnerPHit-refurbishment
Feasibility and cost-effectiveness analyses on different retrofit solutions
Developer: EWG

7.041 m² | 114 apartments | HWB before 120 / afterward 20 kWh/m²a


Refurbishment of 180 apartment complex Felbingergasse,  1140 Vienna / Austria

Consulting in project development on EnerPHit-refurbishment
Feasibility and cost-effectiveness analyses on different retrofit solutions
Developer: EWG

The project shall be refurbished in the framework of the EU-program "Smart Cities" - EU-GUGLE

 WHA Felbigergasse

Refurbishment of 27 apartment complex Linzerstrasse,  1140 Vienna / Austria

Consulting in project development on EnerPHit-refurbishment
Feasibility and cost-effectiveness analyses on different retrofit solutions
Developer: Hausverwaltung Laher

The project shall be refurbished in the framework of the EU-program "Smart Cities" - EU-GUGLE

WHA Linzerstraße, Wien 1140

Refurbishment of 55 flats apartment complex Hütteldorferstrasse, 1140 Vienna / Austria

Consulting in project development on passive house
Developer: Wiener Wohnen
Architect: Arch. Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Martin Treberspurg
First passive house retrofit of a Viennese municipality building
This best-practice-example is done within the EU research-project EU-GUGLE.


Refurbishment 271 flats apartment complex Hackingerstrasse, Vienna / Austria

Consulting of project development on EnerPHit-retrofit
Developer: Wiener Wohnen

The lighthouse project is part of the EU research project EU-GUGLE
Year of construction 1963 | refurbishment 2019
15.930 m² | 271 flats | HWB before 120 / afterwards 25 kWh/m²a

Hackingerstr 2

Student housing in Vienna + Graz / Austria

Passive House consulting on project development
OeAD-Wohnraumverwaltungs GmbH                      Vienna / Austria

OeAD Studentenheim Wien 7

City quartiers - Smart cities


EU-GUGLE Smart City District Penzing / 1140 Vienna / Austria

Intelligent renovation of buildings on district scale
Realisation of demonstration projects - consulting of project development
Building developer: Wiener Wohnen and others
Project lead: BOKU

Housing complexes 1950-1970 retrofit  706 flats |NFL 60.770m² |HWB < 30 kWh/m²a
Gründerzeithaus refurbishment                 31 flats | NFL   2.306 m² | HWB 24 kWh/m²a
Pensionistenheim refurbishment             251 flats | NFL 12.132 m² | HWB 14 kWh/m²a

GUGLE Projektübersicht

Reactivation of office, business and inustry area in Solna / Stockholm / Sweden

Consulting of the developer Humlegården Fastigheter AB on the revitalization to passive house or EnerPHit (incl. PH components) standard of an urban quarter

1. phase of revitalisation approx. 76.000 m² NFL.

Humlegården Fastigheter AB - Stadtteil Solna

Eurogate - First urban quarter in Passive House standard in 1030 Vienna / Austria

Consulting of city council and initiative on project development for obligatory passive house standard for all buildings on the Aspang areal
Eurogate - Bauträgerwettbewersbroschüre
1. construction phase approx. 800 flats | NFL  70.670 m² | HWB < 15 kWh/m²a
Completition approx. 2000 flats | NFL 180.000 m² | HWB < 15 kWh/m²a

Eurogate Pan 

Baumgarten - Refurbishment of urban quarter with pilot characteristics in 1140 Vienna / Austria

Research project - monitoring of project development and feasibility study
Developer: Wiener Wohnen and several developer
Project management: BOKU
Architect: Treberspurg & Partner Architekten Ziviltechniker GmbH

MFD retrofits                  approx. 730 flats| NFL 43.000 m² | HWB < 25 kWh/m²a
Non-residential retrofits    approx.              NFL   6.000 m² | HWB < 25 kWh/m²a
Neubauten                       approx. 50 flats| NFL   4.200 m² | HWB < 15 kWh/m²a


Single-family houses


First single-family house retrofit to Passive House in Pettenbach / Austria

Research project - project management, planning and documentation of best practice project, feasibility analyses, public relations
Client: Fam. SchwarzPassive House Certificate
Planning: LANG consulting
Wood construction | NFL 217 m² | HWB before 280 / afterward 15 kWh/m²a
Certified Passive House - Certificate-ID 6144

1 - PH Pettenbach Fertig Südost Dsc02108 

Row house in Oslo / Norway
First EnerPHit-refurbishment in Norway
Consulting in project development on factor 10 retrofit

Client: Familie Anton
Architecture: Dipl. Ing. Arkitektur Karin Anton

Mixed construction | NFL from 98 to 179 m² | HWB before 224 / afterward 24 kWh/m²a

thumb EFH Anton - Oslo IMG 5790

Single-family house in Daxing / China
Pilotproject to retrofit to EnerPHit-Standard
Consulting and detail planning by development to factor 10 retrofit

Client:            Family Tian
Architecture:    Jianxue Architecture and Engineering Design Institute CO. Ltd

Massiv construction | NFL 520 m²
HWB before 170 / after planed 25 kWh/m²a

EFH Daxing

Single-family house Kienzl-Plochberger in Mitteregg / Austria

Retrofit with passive house components
Consulting on project development to factor 8 retrofit
Client: Fam. Kienzl-Plochberger
Architect: aap-architekten

Mixed construction | NFL 125 m² | HWB before 278 / afterward 38 kWh/m²a 

EFH Kienzl

Single-family house Berger-Pachovsky in 1220 Vienna / Austria

Consulting on prefabricated passive house production

Architecture: Passivhausbau GmbH - Ing. Martin Freund
Main contractor: Passivhausbau GmbH - Ing. Martin Freund

Massive construction | NFL 169 m² | HWB 11 kWh/m²a

EFH Berger-Pachovsky Wien 22 

First retrofit to Passive House standard with VIPs in Schleißheim at Wels / Austria

Monitoring of research project

Client: Emanuel Panic
Achitektur: Arch. Dipl. Ing. Fürstenberger
Refrubishment of a building from the 19th century on passive house-standard with vacuum insulation.


Panic 1

Passive House disk Salzkammergut in Roitham / Austria

Project and construction management, detailed and execution planning, research monitoring
Client: Christine und Günter LangPassive House Certificate
Architect: Architekten Hermann Kaufmann ZT GmbH

Wood construction | NFL 140 m² | HWB 13 kWh/m²a

Passivhausscheibe Salzkammergut LANG consulting